Today’s Reflection: How contrite are our spirits, this season?

By Charles Muchiri

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Liturgical Year B, Cycle II

Wednesday of the First week of Lent
Readings for Mass

First Reading: Jonah 3: 1-10
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 51: 3-4, 12-13, 18-19
Gospel: Luke 11: 29-32

The people of Nineveh may have been as evil as the word could stretch, yet when Jonah came impressing upon them to repent; they all went back to God, with their contrite hearts.

The king of Nineveh announced a forty days fast, that had to be adhered by all, not even sparing the domestic animals.

Christ takes note of these Nineveh people, determination to abandon sin. He also takes note of another ‘outsider’ to the house of God, the queen of the south (Queen Sheba) who travelled all the way to hear the Wisdom of Solomon.

Bottom line, it’s not about the magnitude of our sins that matter, rather it’s about the magnitude of our contriteness; our fervent desire to abandon our old ways.

So, as we move on with this season of Lent, let us gather enough resolve to abandon sin; let us truly be sorry for our old, deviant ways that have caused a rift between us and the Graces of God!

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