Today’s Reflection: Our souls; are His favoured dwelling place

By Charles Muchiri

Saint Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs – Memorial
Readings for Mass

From the Common Martyrs
From the Proper of the Season
(Monday of the Fifth week in Ordinary Time)
First reading: First Kings 8: 1-7, 9-13
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 132: 6-7, 8-10
Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20

The story of Solomon and the way he mobilizes the whole of his Kingdom to construct a Temple for the Lord is quite moving, not just because of the zeal and the perfection that characterizes the whole exercise, but also because of his devotion to please God!

In today’s first reading, Solomon and his people are finally putting up the final touches, and soon; as the Responsorial Psalm has it, God is in-deed going to come to the place of His rest!

“Lord, go up to the place of your rest!” R. (Ps 132: 8a)


And in the Gospel, by His very own design and nature Christ doesn’t choose to dwell in one village or town.


From this passage; “Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered” (Mark 6: 56)…We see a Christ who chooses to move to as many villages and towns as He could.


The very nature of God is an omnipresent being. He wouldn’t choose to dwell at some confinement.


Yet, He chooses to dwell in our souls!


For as St Paul tells the Corinthians, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” (1 Corinthians 6:19)


So, Solomon did his bit quite perfectly. He says to the Lord: “I have truly built you a princely house, a dwelling where you may abide forever." (1 Kings 8: 13)


On our part, have we truly built the Lord a princely house, a dwelling where He may abide forever, in our Souls?


/Follow this writer on Twitter: @muchirimuchoki/
