Today’s Refection: Keep the word alive in our hearts

By Charles Muchiri

Thursday of the Fifth week of Lent (March 29, 2012)
Liturgical Year B, Cycle II
Readings for Mass
First Reading: Genesis 17: 3-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 105: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Gospel: John 8: 51-59

Today’s Gospel is dramatic enough. It marks a climax with regards to the reservations the Pharisees and the Jews have, in accepting Jesus as the Son of their God; the Most High.

In fact, the Jews now believe that Christ is possessed, for giving the promise of everlasting live to those who believe in His word.

On this day, Christ steps it further and reveals to the these Pharisees and the Scribes that He in deed is God. The Jews can’t take anything beyond this now, they seek to stone Him!

Christ tells us today, that whoever keeps His word will not see death. He gives us the promise of eternal life, which He had to purchase for us through a painful death at the cross.

Yet, Christ is the very Word that He talks about. In his Gospel, John starts by telling us that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

The Pharisees and the Scribes couldn’t take this truth; they couldn’t appreciate that in their midst was a God whom, for the sake of our redemption, had to be incarnated to become man.

Fast-track to our present times: All we need to do today is to believe in this Word: to believe in this Christ, to keep Him alive in our hearts, as long as we live.

Only then shall we become true heirs of Christ’s new covenant; just as Abraham was a heir to the covenant that he was given by God the Father.

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