Today’s Reflection: Christ’s death, our reprieve!

By Charles Muchiri
Friday, March 2, 2012
Liturgical Year B, Cycle II
First Friday

Day of Abstinence

Friday of the First week of Lent
Readings for Mass
First Reading: Ezekiel 18: 21-28
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 130: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
Gospel: Matthew 5: 20-26

Christ Crucified
The first reading of the day is beyond doubt very interesting, mostly because through Prophet Ezekiel, we get to hear God the Father speaking directly; emptying His way of reasoning – particularly as far as sin is concerned.

God abhors sin: That far is obvious. And as the reading goes; God doesn’t derive any pleasure from the death of the wicked.

That is very important to note. So, out of this; the Heavens will certainly be delighted to see a wicked man turning back to God; repenting.

But God, through this reading, also points out that there is the other side of the coin: If a righteous man turns into wickedness, none of his virtuous deeds shall be remembered.

From the human perspective, that sounds a little harsh. But it’s certainly God’s way, which is always right and just.

And the Gospel of the day is even more reassuring: Christ, God the Son speaks. And just as well, He is emptying His way of reasoning.

Now, two quick ones: One; Christ is the bridge between us and God the Father. Two; Christ is God indeed and man indeed. He understands both sides; the human side and the divine side.
He comes, therefore, not to edit the old laws; but re-affirm them in a loving way!

And as we sing the responsorial psalms today: ‘If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, who can stand,’ we are reassured that through Christ’s death and resurrection, our iniquities – however terribly huge they may appear are nothing, against a single blood of Christ crucified!

/Follow this writer on Twitter: @muchirimuchoki/
