Today’s Reflection: God will never abandon us

By Charles Muchiri

Liturgical Year B, Cycle II
Wednesday of the Forth week of Lent (March 21, 2012)

Readings for Mass
First Reading: Isaiah 49: 8-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18
Gospel: John 5:17-30

One of the foremost attributes of God is His Love for us. God is full of love. In fact, He is love itself, which is why he sent his only begotten Son to earth, to come and reconcile the human race with his abounding love.

The epitome of love can surely be exemplified by the bond shared between a mother and a child. The two are inseparable. Motherly instincts can drive a mother to protect her child from any danger, with her very own live.

Yet, even though this motherly instincts - according to the first reading, from the book of Isaiah - were to fade and the mother was to end up forgetting her very own child, God will never forget us. He will never abandon us! His love for us just can’t let Him!

So, even when we have sinned against Him, He does not abandon us. We are the ones who abandon Him. We are the ones who turn away from Him. We are the ones who stray away from His Graces!

Now, as Christ says in the Gospel, God the Father has given the Son all judgment. It is the Son and not the Father, who will seat at the judgment seat and extend to us either the resurrection of life or the resurrection of condemnation!

And here is the beauty of it all: For those who know the Son, for those who honour the Son, for those who listen to the words of the Son, for those who take heed to the words of the Son, for those who are not only called by the name of the Son – as Christians – but even so work hard towards living up according to the calling of Christianity, the resurrection of life awaits them.

And as the Psalmist beautifully brings it out, as we work hard towards living up to our Christianity, we must always not loose sight of the fact that our God is always compassionate, gracious and full of mercy.

Keeping this in mind; let us then go back to Him, especially in this Lenten season, with hearts full of contrition and seek for His mercies, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation!

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