Today’s Reflection: Let us learn to be humble servants

By Charles Muchiri

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Liturgical Year B, Cycle II

Saint Perpetua & Felicity, martyrs – Commemoration

Readings for Mass

Wednesday of the Second week of lent
First Reading: Jeremiah 18:18-20
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 31:5-6, 14, 15-16
Gospel: Matthew 20: 17-28

There are two persons who are placed before us today: One is Jeremiah the Prophet, and the other one is Christ.

Jeremiah is the man of today’s first reading: And Christ is the man on today’s Gospel. Both have some similarities and some distinct differences at the same time!

Jeremiah stood at the gap between God and a people whom, due to their sinful ways, deserved the wrath of God.

Christ also comes to bridge the gap between man and God the Father. Both are true servants wh o have to sacrifice for the sake of others.

But now in the case of Christ, His is not a temporal effort. It is through one crucifixion, one death and one resurrection that the wrath of God was permanently turned off the direction of man.

This is the single purpose for which Christ came to earth: To redeem the relationship between man and God.

That said, as Christians and as followers of Christ, we are also subject to the earthly sufferings that Christ went through.

And as we go through the trials and temptations on earth; we have to learn to be servants. Just like Jeremiah was – a servant to the people of God: Just as Christ was, a servant who came to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many!

/Follow this writer on Twitter: @muchirimuchoki/
