The risen Christ and His nail marks!

By Charles Muchiri
Third Sunday of Easter (April 22, 2012)
Readings for Mass
First Reading: Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19
Responsorial Psalms: Psalms 4: 2, 4, 7-8, 9
Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24: 35-48

As we continue celebrating the resurrection of Christ, our Lord; maybe it would be prudent for us to reflect on one little but according to me, very significant point.

When the risen Christ shows Himself to his Disciples in today’s Gospel, and there seems to be some element of doubt on whether really, it is He who stands before them, He offers to have them touch his body, and feel Him and acknowledge that He is a true being with both flesh and bones and not a Ghost.

This reminds us of the other instance where the Risen Christ appears before His disciples and even offers to have Thomas’ wish to put his fingers on the nail marks of His hands and his side, in order to believe that indeed, his Master is risen!

The fact that Christ rose from the dead is all there for us as Christians to take in.

And now here comes the point: Christ rose and still had the nail marks on His hands and feet intact!

This is a very important thing for us in that even as He later rose into Heaven, He rose with this nail marks.

This means that there are permanent marks that constantly remind the Heavens that we have been purchased at a precious cost!

And there is nothing that is as sweet as this. We should therefore be glad that we have a savior who will always glance at the marks of our salvation and quickly hear the plea for the forgiveness of a contrite heart!

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