Today's Reflection: The call to choose right over evil

By Charles Muchiri
18th June 2012
Mass Readings
First Reading: 1 Kings 21: 1-16
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 5: 2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7
Gospel: Matthew: 5: 38-42

Ahab and Jezebel, artistic impression
In today’s first reading, we are treated to a sad story of Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab who plots and succeeds to kill Naboth of Jezreel.

This is a story of a woman who is deliberately willing to go to great lengths in order to usurp wealth and property for her husband, the King.

Jezebel deviously uses her powers and her proximity to powers to execute evil. In her view, she is perhaps doing a favour to her husband, who in this particular circumstance seems incapable of obtaining his wish – Naboth’s vineyard.

As we reflect on this reading, it is important that we place to focus, the powers and the proximities to powers that God has granted us.

Through the powers that we have in our work places, in our communities, in our families; are we by any means bent on attaining our earthly desires at the cost of goodness, at the cost of our Christian virtues, at the cost of God’s holy will?

Jezebel had a choice to choose evil or to do well. She could have opted to cool off Ahab’s desire for Naboth’s little land, if she so wished (As a wife, she certainly has a positive matrimonial proximity that could sway her husband’s hearth, the right way). But other than choose these; she opted to please her earthy husband and king, over the Heavenly King, who is God of both the poor and the rich.

When, as Christians; we are faced with situations that tempt us to choose the earthly over the Heavenly, let us always seek the Almighty God’s graces so that we may be able to make a choice that is in conformity with our Christian’s intrinsic worth.

Today’s Gospel is also a calling that isn’t much easier. Christ calls upon us to be meek, to be humble at the face of injustices.

Well, now that’s a real hard calling, especially in a world that so believes in earthly justice, in revenge and street retribution.

It is therefore, only through the graces of God that we can be able to heed to Christ calling today: To offer the other check for a smacking; to walk that extra mile in service for others, to offer ourselves selflessly to those who may be in need.

All these, not for our self glory, but for the glory of the Most High God, who only so well understands what we are going through and who sees our future, vividly drawn on the palm of His Holy Hand.

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