By Charles Muchiri
15th June 2012
of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Reading: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9
Psalm: Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6
Reading: Eph 3:8-12, 14-19
Jn 19:31-37
is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a day that is worth
celebrating and reflecting on, at the same time.
is worth celebrating because it reminds us of the love that Christ has for us: A
love so strong that He would offer His Sacred life at the cross, for us and our
story of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is also a story of a Heavenly gift so hallowed;
it is a story of love, pure love that flows, that gashes forth like a flood of
water; to come and cleanse the human kind; and impact Graces so nourishing to
the soul of those who believe.
So, what
to do, now that we know that God, through His Son Jesus Christ has given us
this wonderful gift, of love; symbolized today by His Most Sacred Heart?
We can
only praise God, the giver of all good gifts with praises and earnest
This is
what Pope Pius XII noted, in his encyclical dated May 15, 1956 when he spoke on the devotion to the Sacred Heart.
when we perceive so fruitful an abundance of healing waters, that is, heavenly
gifts of divine love, issuing from the Sacred Heart of our Redeemer, spreading
among countless children of the Catholic Church by the inspiration and action
of the divine Spirit; We can only exhort you, venerable brethren, with fatherly
affection to join Us in giving tribute of praise and heartfelt thanks to God,
the Giver of all good gifts,” noted Pope Pius XII on this matter.
But even
as we thank our God for the gift that was Christ’s loving Heart, we must also
remember that Christ’s Sacred Heart is in itself a source of our help.
We should
thus emulate St. Claude La Colombiere as he sought the help of the Most Sacred
of Jesus thus: “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of
myself, since that is the only way one can find entrance into you. As all that
I shall do in the future will be yours, grant I may do nothing that will be
unworthy of you. Teach me what I should do to come to the purity of your love,
the desire of which you have breathed into me. I feel in myself a tremendous
inclination to please you, and a great impotence of succeeding without a great
light and a most special help which I can expect only from you.”
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