Today’s Reflection: Idol worshiping in our contemporary society

By Charles Muchiri
Today’s Mass Readings
Tuesday of the Fourteen Week in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Hosea 8: 4–7, 11-13
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 115: 3–4, 5–6, 7ab–8, 9-10
Gospel: Matthew 9: 32 -38

Idol worship
In today’s society, we do not need to look for artisans to calve idol gods for worshiping. We already have so many idol gods with us!

Think about it; our careers and jobs can be our very own idol gods – if we work only to gain self gratification, other than use our work, to glorify our heavenly God.

Our immediate family can be our idol gods; if we entirely take them as our only solace and hope, without recognizing that they are our gifts from our Heavenly God.

Our hobbies, our favourite sports, all these can be our idol gods; if we are only but exclusively, fanatically devoted to them, without setting time aside for other aspects of our lives, and most importantly, setting time aside to build our relationship with God.

The high end technology; smart phones; ipods; ipads, name them, they are good if only used right; but they can also distract us from our time with God; if we end up being too zealously attached to them at the expense of living our wholesome lives.

In today’s first reading; Prophet Hosea is bemoaning the presence of idol worship in his times; If only this Prophet of the old was living in today’s society, he’d certainly be warning us of other forms of idol worshiping other than simple carvings.

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