Reprieve as Gikondi Catholic Parish Priests poised to get a modern house

By Charles Muchiri

It isn’t anything close to a honeymoon for any Roman Catholic priest who is sent to serve at one of the oldest Roman Catholic parish in Kenya, the Gikondi Catholic Parish of Nyeri Arch-diocese.

After their long days of apostolate, priests at this Parish have no other option but to retreat into one old structure whose wide cracks on the wall scream of an imminent danger: One of these fine days, this priests’ house might collapse.

But there is reprieve now, after the Archbishop Peter Kairo, of Nyeri Arch-diocese came calling February 1, 2013 to officiate a ground-breaking ceremony for a modern six roomed, one storey priests’ house that will have amongst other features; a tranquil chapel at the ground floor and a modern priests’ library at the first floor.

“It is very well that we construct a decent house for the priests; so that after a long day of serving God through their priestly ministry, they may retire to a place where they can comfortably relax,” noted Archbishop Kairo, in his homily ahead of the groundbreaking event.

The Archbishop implored upon the hundreds of Christians who had thronged this church that was constructed 110 years ago to incorporate God in the priests’ house project. “As Psalms 127 (verse 1) says; unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain,” he quoted the Bible.

The Archbishop requested Gikondi Parish Christians to pray fervently for some 12 seminarians who are scheduled to be ordained as Deacons in the nearest future.

“Of course even if we were to come up with these buildings and we end up not having priests, this might all be in vain,” he said.

The Archbishop was full of praise for the Christians of Gikondi, especially with regards to their faith.

For about 10 years, Gikondi Parish was home to the Servant of God Sr Irene Stephanie – ‘Nyaatha’ whose cause for beatification is underway.

The construction of this new priests’ house is a collaborated effort between the Parishioners of Gikondi and Christians and friends of the same Parish who live and work in Nairobi and other towns.

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