What if Papacy comes to Kenya?

By Charles Muchiri

John Cardinal Njue
One of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church who are at the conclave, to elect a new pope for the Church is John Cardinal Njue.

Though his name has not featured a lot on the most possible successors of the seat of St Peter, 69 years old Archbishop of Nairobi Kenya will certainly make history for being the only African Kenyan cardinal to participate at the conclave after his predecessor The Servant of God Maurice Cardinal Otunga.

And safe for the Holy Spirit, no one really knows when the white smoke rises from the Sistine Chapel, who will be Pope amongst the 116 princes of the Church.

Cardinal Njue was elevated to be Cardinal on November 24, 2007 at the age of 63 years and 9 months.

As both the Archbishop of Nairobi and current Chairman of Kenya’s Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Njue has come out as a very vocal man of God, particularly on matters of social justice.

Most times that Cardinal Njue says Holy Mass, he will most likely emphasize on one phrase that he seems to be so much in love with. “Peace, peace, peace of the Lord be with you.”

Njue was ordained priest on January 6, 1973 at the age of 29. He served as Priest in the Diocese of Embu before being appointed as Bishop of Embu on June 9, 1986 at the age of 42.

His ordination as Bishop of Embu took place on September 20, 1986.

He has also served as Coadjutor, Archdiocese of Nyeri between March 9, 2002 to October 6, 2007.

He was appointed as Coadjutor Archbishop of Nyeri on March 9, 2002 and later as Archbishop of Nairobi on October 6, 2007. His installation took place on November 1, 2007.

Njue is also Cardinal-Priest of Preziosissimo Sangue di Nostro Signore Gesu Cristo.

Cardinal Njue is participating at the conclave at a time when his Country, Kenya is going through an electoral process to choose a successor of President Mwai Kibaki.


  1. May our good Lord strengthern and encourage him in serving God without fear AMEN

  2. Amen to that wonderful prayer. Indeed, John cardinal Njue did make history for being the only African Kenyan cardinal to participate at the conclave after his predecessor The Servant of God Maurice Cardinal Otunga!


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